How should the media cover a White House that isn’t afraid to lie?
Disclaimer: I'm super biased, very liberal sorry (Sometimes i make good points though)
Summary: Throughout history the white house has play an imperative roll in providing information to both the public and the press. Nearly every administration in history has given non-biased(ish) statistics and press conferences allowing the press to freely and confidently report on American affairs. However the Trump administration has already proven to not only withhold the true, but also flat out lie. Press secretary Sean Spicer started off this trend by stating that Trumps inauguration was the most viewed ever (It was not). Then later that week continued to state falsehoods about the amount of voter fraud in America (Claiming it was in the millions, It was not again) This raises a tricky question for journalists; How do we report on a white house we cant trust?
Course content application: Recently in class we've be talking about public opinion and in sure that a lying white house might negatively skew public opinion. Also we've been discussing the medias role in public opinion, this article is directly geared at journalists to be cognizant of lies coming from the white house and to call them out.
Opinion: I think this is quite a historic time in American politics. Our leader is a talking Cheeto with a toupee who stands for bigotry, sexism, racism and, Islamophobia. We have a cabinet of the richest, whitest, top 1% in history all of whom are not afraid to lie to the press or the general public. I believe that the press will have to step up in a major way and act as a mediator/filter from the lies of the Trump administration to the people and to do fair, semi-non-partisan reporting on the issues the white house wont talk about. One of Emperor Trumps executive orders barred the EPA from releasing information to the press about the Dakota Access Pipeline, this is an opportunity for the press to pressure the white house to be more transparent and open about polices like the DAP.
Capitalize "White House"