Summary: The House of Representatives (and the Senate also voted today) to pass "S.J.Res.34" this overturns a FCC law requiring ISPs (Like Comcast, Time Warner, Version) to get customers’ permission before selling sensitive data, such as browsing history.
The ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) released an official statement about the ruling saying; “It is extremely disappointing that Congress is sacrificing the privacy rights of Americans in the interest of protecting the profits of major internet companies including Comcast, AT&T, and Verizon. President Trump now has the opportunity to veto this resolution and show he is not just a president for CEOs but for all Americans. Trump should use his power to protect everyone’s right to privacy.”
Course content: This bill was proposed by the house inside of a joint comity (Which were learning about!) Both the Senate and the House of Representatives voted to pass this resolution. I'm also using this in my proposed bill project.
My Position: I don't agree with this bill, I think it is against the fundamental rights of citizens and violates privacy rights. I hope that trump will veto the bill (but he probably will not).
What IS a joint committee. Use this paragraph to tell me what you know